Re-use of Accepted Manuscripts published by Oxbow Books 

1. Articles/papers 

Definition: Accepted Manuscript (AM) 

The version of the article that has been accepted for publication by the volume editor(s) in accordance with the contract signed between the editor(s) and the publisher. This version may have been revised following peer review but may be subject to further editorial input from either the editor(s) and/or publisher. 

Personal or departmental web page 

You may post the AM version of your article on your personal or departmental web page, provided the posting is accompanied by a prominent statement that the article has been accepted for publication and will appear or already has appeared in a revised form in a book entitled (insert title), edited by (insert name(s)) published by Oxbow Books, with ISBN number (this can be found on the Oxbow Books website by searching for the volume title). If the volume is already in print the page numbers should be cited.  

Institutional repositories and subject specific repositories 

You may post the AM version of your article in the Institutional Repository of the institution in which you worked at the time the article was first submitted provided the posting is accompanied by a prominent statement that the article has been accepted for publication and will appear or already has appeared in a revised form in a book entitled (insert title), edited by (insert name(s)) published by Oxbow Books, with ISBN number (this can be found on the Oxbow Books website by searching for the volume title). If the volume is already in print the page numbers should be cited.  

You may post the AM version of the article in Institutional Repositories outside of the institution in which you worked at the time the article was first submitted or in non-commercial subject specific repositories only after the additional permission of Oxbow Books has been obtained (not to be unreasonably withheld). 

2. Entire volumes (single author or joint author rather than collected edited papers)) 

Definition: Accepted Manuscript (AM) 

The version of the manuscript that has been accepted for publication in accordance with the contract signed between the author(s) and the publisher. This version may have been revised following peer review but may be subject to further editorial input from either the authors(s) and/or publisher. 

Personal or departmental web page 

You may post the AM version of your manuscript on your personal or departmental web page, provided the posting is accompanied by a prominent statement that the book has been accepted for publication and will appear or already has appeared in a revised form as a book entitled (insert title), authored by (insert name(s)) published by Oxbow Books, with ISBN number (this can be found on the Oxbow Books website by searching for the volume title).  

Institutional repositories and subject specific repositories 

You may post the AM version of your manuscript in the Institutional Repository of the institution in which you worked at the time the manuscript was first submitted not earlier than 6 months following the month of publication provided the posting is accompanied by a prominent statement that the manuscript has appeared in a revised form as a book entitled (insert title), authored by  (insert name(s)) published by Oxbow Books, with ISBN number (this can be found on the Oxbow Books website by searching for the volume title).  

You may post the AM version of the manuscript in Institutional Repositories outside of the institution in which you worked at the time it was first submitted or in non-commercial subject specific repositories only after the additional permission of Oxbow Books has been obtained (not to be unreasonably withheld).